Saturday, December 02, 2006

It was a good day at the Rose Bowl and for all the UCLA faithful when the Bruins stunned the No.2 Trojans., 13-9.
All week long, I felt really good about the game. Too bad I didn't feel strongly enough to go out and purchase $2000 of what was to become free furniture from H.D. Buttercup!
Still, it was fun to have people over to watch the game and to celebrate a Bruin victory.
Some people said they'd be cheering for USC because it's good for a local team to make the championship game, but I didn't subscribe to this theory.
And I will have to admit that many of my Trojan friends have been very classy, even in defeat. So, props to you guys for that.
And a big congratulations go out to Karl Dorrell, defensive coordinator Wayne Walker and all the Bruin fans out there! This was a big win for all of us!
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