Saturday, December 30, 2006

1. Those Iraqis sure are old school, aren't they? They decided to execute Saddam Hussein by hanging, not lethal injection. But the truth is his death means very little nowadays. If this had happened 15 years ago, it would really have been news. And props to domestic news organization for now showing his actual hanging. That's a classy move for a guy many Americans and Iraqis despise.
2. It's been weeks now, but I'm still laughing at Carmelo Anthony's cheap sucker punch where he hits the guy and backpedals all the way to the other side of the court. It was hilarious. The truth is the fight was over and he shouldn't have started it up again. He deserves his 15 game punishment.
3. James Brown was a musical legend.
4. I'm glad to see Gerald Ford is getting some credit for the many things he did for our country. I always felt like he was treated like the dumb, former college football player turned president who Nixon just used to pardon him after Watergate.
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