Tuesday, November 07, 2006

After visiting my parents Sunday afternoon, I was hurrying back to the Glendale area so Karena can go visit her parents.
But to my dismay, a Montebello police car pulled me over for a rolling stop and for speeding down a hill.
I saw the cop and before he even turned on his lights, I knew I was sunk. So, I pulled over and was prepared to take my lumps like a man.
But after showing him my license and registration, he asked where we lived and where we were coming from. After answering him, he said, "Okay, you're getting off with a warning today. Slow down and stop completely at the stop signs."
I was so shocked, I don't even think I said "thank you" or anything else to him.
So, this made me wonder why cops decide to issue tickets versus just a warning. In any case, I'm glad he chose a warning for me this time.
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