Wednesday, November 08, 2006

1. I always end up getting a little disappointed after the elections. Like life, things just don't turn out the way you expect them to sometimes. I tend to focus on the people I didn't want to win and the propositions I didn't want to pass.
2. Seeing the Democrats take over Congress was a given to me. People were just too upset about the war in Iraq to let the Republicans have the majority again. So, I'm not surprised. And now that Donald Rumsfeld has resigned, I can definitely see the winds of change blow in Iraq.
3. On a lighter note, I'm also not surprised to hear about the break-up of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. As much as I can't stand Britney, I can't the so-called K-Fed even more. I'm happy that Britney is finally ridding herself of that parasite loser. But I'm most saddened about their two kids.
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Are you advocating that it is good when people decide to divorce, not because of adultery or anything of that nature, but simply because of "irreconcilable differences"? Kevin may not be the ideal husband, but does that mean Britney should get rid of him so easily? What ever happened to "till death do us part"? Or is it just "till I realize how much of a loser you really are, because you have human flaws like everyone else in this fallen world, do us part?" What would Jesus say?
No, I'm not advocating divorce. But I think she shouldn't have married him in the first place. And plus, it would be better for her and her kids if he weren't their primary male influence.
I agree that the sanctity of marriage has been destroyed in recent years by the alarmingly high divorce rate.
All I can say is that I love my wife ... and I'm not divorcing her.
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I agree that the sanctity of marriage has been destroyed in recent years by the alarmingly high divorce rate.
All I can say is that I love my wife ... and I'm not divorcing her.
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