Sunday, November 12, 2006

Whatever the case, we played all different kind of scenarios including "Assassinate the President" and "Speedball" and "Urban Warfare" and the oldtime fav "Capture the Flag." I have to admit that even though it does hurt to get shot, I did manage to taking out at least 5 people.
Our only casualty was unfortunately from Lance, a guy who completely dressed the part . . . and then some (check out the photo). Had we dropped him into the heart of Iraq, he would have fit right in. But all joking aside, he suffered quite a severe ankle injury (later determined by X-ray to be a fracture and multiple torn ligaments). Hopefully, he recovers quickly.
And Sungly may be our former Alpha counselor and he may be older than the rest of us, but he was by far the best player with the best strategy and showed the most intensity. Of course, that didn't stop me from accidentally shooting him at point blank range after he got me by yelling "Surrender."
Like I said, there's much more, but I'm already falling aslee . . . zzzzzzz
jason - 1st row, 2nd from right
sungly - 2nd row, 2nd from rt next to lillian(his left)
mommaduck, got glasses? j/k
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