Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I have to admit that I was worried as the days counted down toward David and Velina's wedding. After all, they had asked me to be an usher and the emcee for the evening.
I was excited to usher with Luong again. We're good friends, we work well together, and we've ushered together a million times. So, that part went fine.
But I was really worried about the emcee duties since the crowd would be full of people I didn't know and I was afraid I wouldn't come up with something funny to say. See, as an emcee, it's easy to make fun of the groom to get laughs. Those are free laughs. But since I didn't really get to know David until more recently, it was harder for me to do that.
But as is my style, I made an early mistake by forgetting to announce the Maid of Honor and Best Man. And after making a mistake, I realize the night isn't going to be perfect and I can relax and just let go. I played off the mistake and everything went fine after that.
But that night, after getting home, I was no energy left.
I've been tired ever since and got about 7 hours of sleep last night and took a 2 hour nap just now.
I guess that means I gave it my all on Saturday as emcee. Now, my wedding emcee duties shift to my cousin Tammy's wedding in June. I better get some sleep to power up now . . .
I'm going to emcee a wedding in January! Perhaps you can share some of your wisdom with me over fried chicken before then.
Let's do it! Wait, what about the Red Stripe?!
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