Wednesday, September 06, 2006

1. I'm so sad to hear about Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin's death from a sting ray. It's so sad. Even though this isn't what eventually killed him,I never thought he should have gotten that close to dangerous animals. Even though it made for better TV, it wasn't necessary.
2. Major props go out to Enoch for not only driving us out to the airport Sunday night, but also for BBQing and cooking up a feast for us to eat. We had leftover meatless pork, beef ribs, baked beans (we opted not to eat too many of those since we were going to be on a cramped plane!) from the Phil's, the best BBQ place in San Diego. He also booked up some brocolli and rice, and BBQed corn and his famous chicken. Plus, he packed up some leftovers for us to eat later and let us park our car in his driveway. Thanks E! We owe him bigtime!
3. Since we didn't end up eating much on Monday (except Enoch's chicken for breakfast), I was starving by the time we had dinner at one of Cornell's dining halls. I over-loaded on food and ending feeling gross when I left. They had some good pizza, good burgers, terrible pasta, and excellent cookies. They say their food is award-winning, but I would have to respectfully disagree.
4. Karena tried to show me all the good places she used to eat at, but sadly, many of them are gone. In fact, a lot of things have changed in the 10 years since she's been gone, including one of her dorm halls.
5. After walked around campus all day yesterday and today and eating at a dorm hall last night, I've decided that I'm much happier with my life today than being back in college.
6. Cornell's food may have disappointed, but their scenery is some of the nicest I have ever seen. I'll post some pictures when we get back.
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