Monday, September 11, 2006

I remember this day, September 11, by re-posting excerpts of what I have posted on this day over the last 5 years:

2001: Even though our hearts are filled with saddness and our eyes are
filled with tears, I ask that we all pray for the people who committed these
violent acts of terrorism. These people need are prayers and our love.

2002: It's amazing that those images could still affect me the way they do
even one year later. Everytime I see the number 11 written out, all I can
see are those Twin Towers. Please continue to pray for our country, our
friends, ... and our enemies.

2003: It's been two years now and I have to admit that I woke up this
morning and didn't really think about it. But somehow, all that emotion came
back to me today while I had to write the date over and over on my charts. Two
patients mentioned to me that they knew people who were working there that
fateful day and had lost their lives. It is true that we will never
forget.Tonight, I didn't listen to the radio or watch any of the news stories
about how America is remembering tonight. No, instead, I just sat there in the
quietness of my own heart, and was reminded that God is still soverign and in

2004: A moment of silence, please . . .

2005: I LOVE that Jesus intertwined these two commandmants ["Love the Lord" and "Love your neighbor"] together so that you can't have one without the other.

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