Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It was pretty fun being able to celebrate Simon's bachelorhood while in Vegas. We could have done some racy things, but instead, we just raced . . . literally, in go-carts.
And we had so much fun since the guys working there didn't mind us crashing into each other. So, that's what we did as we tried to pass each other around the track.
Afterwards, some of us did indoor skydiving, where we end up floating in air with the help of a huge fan. It was so much fun jumping into a steam of air and floating. Simon got some extra special treatment from our instructor, but I'll have to let him tell you about that (or you'll have to watch the DVD). Sorry, I don't have any pictures of that since I couldn't bring my camera with me inside. I guess you will have to watch the DVD.
The night ended nicely at Redwood, our favorite place. There's nothing like a 24oz prime rib to make you feel good at the end of the day.
After making my deposit at the tables (read: I lost bad), we piled into Jason's car and headed for home. By 2pm, I was back home microwaving some prime rib leftovers with Karena.
What a day!
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