Monday, August 28, 2006

The weekend began when I left work two hours early to drive home to pick up Karena before heading down to Irvine to meet up with Steven and Jenn for the Dave Matthews concert.
But good plans rarely turn out and this one didn't either. We ended up leaving late because a watermelon we had put on the floor turned rotten and left a foul stench and some nasty liquid all over the floor. Then, the 5 freeway was more like the 5 parking lot.
I had to do some fancy driving along the 605 and 405 just to get us there in time. We had a leisurely dinner with Steven and Jenn, who are very gracious hosts.
The Verizon Ampitheater in Irvine is THE WORST place I have ever gone to see a concert. I will NEVER go there again. The parking lot was unorganized, the event staff had no idea what they were doing or how to direct you. And the traffic flow of the people in and out was terrible. Plus, the sound was terrible. And when you see the Dave Matthews Band, you want perfect sound to blend all the instruments together. Plus, when we left, we were at a complete standstill in the parking lot for abourt 30 minutes before we begged the security guard for a better way out and found it.
We ended up meeting up with Tiff and Judy at Reuel's place around 1 am. Karena stayed to hang out with Roo and we were off in Tiff's car for Crazy Weekend Part II.
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Back in the day it was called Irvine Meadows. The name change doesn't make it any better. It sucked back then and it still sucks balls today. At least you got free weed. (Damn, I thought out loud again, my bad).
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