Sunday, June 04, 2006

To celebrate my birthday, I was fortunate to invite some family and friends over for some limbo, hula hooping, dunking, and BBQing with a Hawaiian theme. Even though only one cousin was able to make it (thanks Jessica!), I felt SO privileged to have ALL of my aunts and uncles present.
We squeezed about 45 people into our home and even though the weather was unbelieveably hot, we had a great time.
Enoch manned the grill (with help from Luong) and battled the over 100 degree heat without any shade and without complaint. But he later had one of the wittiest comments I've ever heard him say: "Vic, next year, I think you should have your birthday in the winter." Big props to him for buying the meat, trimming it, marinating it, BBQing it, and serving it. You da man!
Thanks also to Jason for planning some crazy games -- including the craziest dunk contest I've ever participated in, helping Enoch with his "Deal or No Deal" game, and for even planning some games that we didn't have time for (like parterning up me and Luong for a little "Billy Jean" in Karaoke Revolution! You da man!
Big thank you's also go out to Suzanne, Judy, Michelle, and Tiff for helping with set up and clean up. And, of course, thanks to my mom and dad and my aunt for decorating, preparing beautiful and tasty food, and for keeping everybody entertained. And of course, thanks to my amazing wife Karena for organizing and staying cool under pressure. You da woman!
I'm sure I'm leaving some people out, but I'll thank everybody individually later.
Enjoy the pics!
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