Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yesterday, a large crowd of people and what seemed like an even larger crowd of flowers gathered at Rose Hills' Memorial Chapel to remember my grandfather.
As in my grandmother's funeral two years ago, all 10 grandchildren (three through marriage) participated in the ceremony.
One of the things I said was that the ceremony not only celebrated his generous and giving attitude throughout life, but also demonstrated God's love. Jesus plopped himself deep inside my grandmother's heart a few years back and now He had done the same in my grandfather's heart. Praise God!
As I sat there with tears in my eyes during the slide show, I thought about how he did exercises every morning at 6:30am, how we used to watch Dumbo over and over with him, how he never complained despite many physical ailments, how he would always have a fruit or some candy to give me whenever I came to visit. And more recently, I remembered how the first thing he would always ask me was how Karena's dad was doing, despite being hospitalized and in pain himself.
I also thought about our last chat -- talking about old times and retelling old stories. He mentioning that my turning 30 this year really made him realize how quickly time had flown by.
I thought about how he loved and embraced Karena so much. His face always lit up when she came to see him, despite the language barrier. He often gave her many gifts, including a beautiful bracelet.
In fact, what burst the flood gates for me was remembering when we were talking to him on his last night, even though he could not respond. Karena leaned in over his hospital bed, and with tears rolling down her cheek, said, "Thank you for the bracelet."
Thank you, Wai Gong. A HUGE part of who I am today is because of you.
You will be missed . . . but I rejoice that you are in Heaven.
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