Thursday, May 18, 2006

Over the last several years, I've noticed that I make many more mouth movements than I ever did before. For example, there is a photo of me at my uncle's funeral 6 years ago where I'm holding back tears by scrunching up my face mostly with my chin and mouth.
And while patients are lying face down on the table at work, I sometimes make strange faces by contorting my mouth whenever I'm frustated, confused, or angry. I even do it when I'm thinking before answering one of their questions.
Then, while watching a Lakers post-game news conference (before they were unceremoniously bounced out of the playoffs), I figured out why I made so many mouth movements. Kobe Bryant does it! I've been watching him in news conferences for the last 10 years and somehow started mimicking him without even knowing it.
Does this make me weird? Hmmm . . . let me think about it (by making some crazy mouth movement).
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