Monday, January 09, 2006

I remember growing up and wanting cable TV just to "keep up with the Jones'". And as it turned out, my parents only got it for about 6 months before deciding it was way too expensive to keep. That's also the reason why I have never owned any Nintendo or Sega product (well, I take that back, I did have a Game Boy).
But that experience, plus growing up in Montebello and being Chinese, taught me the valuable lesson of not always needing the coolest, hottest gadget out there. So, as cell phones got more advanced, I stuck with my old one for years until finally changing about a year ago.
But within these last two weeks, I've gotten two of the hottest things out right now and I can honestly say that I'm technically advanced. I now own an iPod (the video one that holds 15,000 songs) and a Dish Network DVR (which is their version of TiVo). Now, I'm walking listening to music 24/7 and pausing live TV like a mad-man.
I have to admit that it feels weird to be on this side of the fence . . . but I'm loving it!
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The TIVO is definitely cool. Just hope Apple doesn't introduce new iPods tomorrow and make yours obsolete. : P
Hey Vic, take a look at these NBA iPod Video cases :D
By the way, I hoping you and Karena are doing okay with your families.
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By the way, I hoping you and Karena are doing okay with your families.
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