Sunday, January 22, 2006

1. So Kobe drops in an amazing 81 points tonight against the Raptors. What I can say about the guy? You love him one minute. You hate him the next. Still, he's amazing.
2. It finally hit me how depressing and angry I've been lately. I've had so many people recently tell me how bad they feel for me since things have been so tough. But what do I have to complain about? God has blessed me with so much. I've got a great wife, a house that doesn't give us too many problems, a loving and supportive family, some honestly really good friends, a great church, etc.
3. Fox's 24 has been really good thus far this season. Because of our busy schedule, we didn't get to watch the first 4 hours until Friday night. It was nice not to have to wait a whole week between cliff hangers, even though we didn't finish until after 1:30am. But I liked Nathan C's idea of not watching the last 10 minutes of the show until right before the following week's episodes. That way, you don't have the cliff hanger stuck in your head all week. Instead, you can enjoy some peace in your life and not have to wait a whole week to find out what happens.
4. I was happy that Karena and I got to break away from things today and have lunch together at Claim Jumper. We got a chance to talk about everything . . . and about nothing. We've been employing a new trick there to get a better deal: in addition to ordering our meal (usually the Meatloaf Sandwich for me and the Widowmaker for her), we also add the Produce Bar for $4.25. That way, we end up eating mostly things from the Produce Bar and boxing our entrees for later. That way, our lunch was basically all-you-can-eat for $4.25 and we still have some REALLY good leftovers for later.
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Glad you are enjoying the fifth season of 24 so far. Hopefully this season will be better than last season, but we'll see...=)
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