Friday, December 30, 2005

Sorry, I've been MIA for a few days.
After work on Monday, Karena and I did drive off to Palm Springs to join the rest of my family, who had been there since Christmas Eve. Although we were only able to stay one night, we were able to visit Palm Spring's world famous Marriott (beautiful) and play some forced fun games with our cousins and even make gingerbread houses (our White House won). I'll have to post pictures tomorrow (as I'm at work and haven't had a chance to upload my pics).
And while most people are off work or on vacation this time of year, I'm in the middle of working 13 of 17 days. It's been pretty miserable. And the lack of rest finally caught up with me. I woke up at 1am Thursday morning with a raging headache, body aches, and stomachache. After throwing up, I couldn't go back to sleep, but managed to get myself to work by 7am. I would have called out except that I had to open the department and was the only scheduled senior for that day. After throwing up a few more times (including into a bag once since I couldn't make it to the bathroom in time), I knew it was time to go home.
I left at 12:30pm and slept from 1pm until 7:30pm. After still not feeling well, I went back to sleep at 10pm and didn't get up until this morning. Thank God, I feel much better now. But it was apparent that I really needed the rest.
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