Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The following entry explains what my cousin Allison did for us (or "to" us, depending on how you look at it) after Thanksgiving dinner. It's funny, but a little gross. So, if you can handle it, read on. Otherwise, just wait until the next entry tomorrow.
Apparently, Allison has a knack for being good at getting out ear wax for other people. She has an instrument and has devised an entire system using a flashlight and/or lamp. My sister knew about this and asked for her services after Thanksgiving dinner last week. After she set up her station, she went to work. Slowly, one by one, people came up to her to get their ears cleaned or were coerced into doing it (like me). They would each leave the room being able to hear a little bit better . . . and with a napkin holding their collection.
It was pretty gross, but funny.
hey wait a sec...it was KIMMY that requested ally's services, not me. i found that to be gross ;) but after you had ally look in your ear...i caved and had her look in mine. for the record, she said my ears are very clean and i didn't need any work :)
yeah i did... but vic had the grossest one..
you guys are plain nasty and hilarious!
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