Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Karena and I have both experienced not just bad service, but practially rude service at a Christian bookstore. I don't want to say which one, but I feel it makes Christians look bad.
But I guess that's the way life is: many Christians don't live the life and act out the things they believe. And that keeps others away from knowing Him.
Heh, there's only one store I can think of...
Call it out Vic! I've had issues with both New Life and Lighthouse...where do they get these people!?!

Alright, alright. You guys have twisted my arm.
It was Lighthouse. Some of the workers there really give Christians a bad name.
I was just there last Saturday and the lady there was nice.
Carolyn, I think I know who you're talking about. I remember the manager had one of the employees give him a massage during work.
Stop the madness!
I haven't had a bad experience at any Christian bookstore, that includes new life and lighthouse.

Maybe because I already know what I'm looking for and they usually don't have it in stock.

Or if they DO have it in stock, it's usually overpriced.

By the way Carolyn, I read your "a certain bookstore that rhymes with 'too rife'" comment at work. And I was so embarassed because I busted out laughing because it was so funny.
Victor, I'd say you go through CDB (Christian Discount) from now on so you don't have to deal with people who MIS represent.
Oh, and Carolyn about the flirting...are you sure it was flirting because depending on the culture, some people can be overly expressive or touchy-feely..and that can be misinterpreted too...but whatever you say.
Wow, YOU used to go to Gary's Corner Bookstore? Now I respect you even more!
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