Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's rare that guys get a chance to get together just to catch up and talk. And it's even more rare when it happens on a Monday. But thanks to Christopher Columbus and my normal day off, Luong, Mike, Jason, and I had lunch together at Island's and got a chance to talk about how we're REALLY doing.
As I sat there, taking it all in, I was happy to see that my groomsmen (minus my brother) and I were still close and able to share deeply with each other. We talked about family, future plans, sports, aging, etc.
Afterward, we topped off the day by playing a best-of-5 round of foosball. Mike and I took a commanding two games to none lead, but ended up losing to Jason and Luong.
So, thanks guys . . . for the conversation, the friendship, and the love. It was one of the best days off I've ever had.
My goodness, it looks like my arthritis was already in full effect in that picture!

But indeed, I felt the same way.
ha, Mike looks like a superhero flying off the ground.
Waitaminute. Wasn't it supposed to be best of 7?
Best of 7...? I thought we we're just playing a "division series."
I was doing a jump kick because I'm Asian and all Asians know Kung-Fu. Hiyaah!!
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