Monday, October 31, 2005

We were fortunate enough to be able to attend the wedding of a good friend I grew up with. I've known May Chan since the 3rd grade and had the same classes with her through college at UCLA. She even lived on the same street about 15 houses down.
Anyway, we haven't been as close over the last few years, but it was great to celebrate with her again. We were afraid we'd be bored at the wedding since we probably weren't going to know too many people there.
But we were happy to see Cindy Ligh. We spent some time chatting with her.
At the banquet, they sat us at the "married with no kids" table. Everybody was from Evergreen so they all knew each other. So, it would have been understandable if they left us in the dust when it came to their joking and conversations. But they wre quick to include us and were very friendly. I thought they did a better of that than if the roles were reversed at a CEFC wedding. That inspired me to do better with new-comers at church and other CEFC social events, no matter how difficult it can sometimes be.
Harbor Village (next to Holiday Cafe) served some great food overall, but their fried rice and their red bean dessert was terrible. But it didn't dampen our spirits and we ended up having a great time.
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