Friday, September 30, 2005

So, in addition to all the news on fires throughout the Southland including the one in Calabasas, I was word that a fire hit home . . . almost literally.
My mom told me today that a generator went haywire yesterday and started a fire behind our neighbors house just over the hill in the backyward. All of a sudden, the power and the water went out. My mom smelled smoke and asked my dad to call 911. My mom remained very calm and even in her condition, gathered up a flashlight, a jacket, all our important paperwork like passports, and had my dad manually undo the garage door opener. In the event they had to evacuate, she was ready. But luckily, the fire department was quick to put it out and no houses were in danger.
I also hear that there is a fire in Burbank near the Castaway restaurant. That's pretty close to our house. What is going on here?
Please be in prayer for all these individuals and for the firefighters.
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