Friday, September 09, 2005

This is how crazy/stupid Kaiser is. They are in the process of going to a paperless system where all our notes will be typed into our computer system. In theory, it's good because we won't ever have to deal with doctor's notes we can't read or charts we can't find. However, their idea of getting everybody a PDA or a laptop was scraped because they were afraid of theft.
So intead, they got everybody a computer on their desk and one in every treatment room/booth.
But as you can see by the pictures, that leaves NO ROOM for writing, charting, or anything. Just take a look at my desk and my treatment booth! Theres absolutely no room! We're having to chart on our laps or just stand up. Plus, our desks aren't even made for computers so 0ur set-up is terrible. And worse yet, we don't even have enough phones or phone lines. We have to share phones and voice mail boxes . . . and yet we each have our own Dell computers?!? What's up with that?
Now, our back office is noticeably hotter because of all the hot air the computers let out. I'm sure we'll all eventually grow a third eye or arm because we're surrounded by computers everywhere and when we sit at our desk, the computer is literally inches from our heads.
To me, all this does is give the entire physical therapy department an increased chance for carpal tunneland radiation poisioning. How ironic is that?
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