Saturday, August 13, 2005

Because Kaiser is implimenting a new computer check-in program, three boxes of Washington State Red Delicious apples were delivered to our department.
The idea was that since the check-in process was going to take much longer, we'd appease our patients by giving them some apples. It's also a a healthy snack that falls right in line with Kaiser's "Thrive" campaign.
But somehow, the plan got derailed. When the boxes of apples came in, nobody knew what they were for. So, the employees started eating it. And everybody started rationalizing their decision by saying that since Kaiser did not provide us with a basket to hold all the apples to put out for our patients, we had to eat them all ourselves.
So, needless to say, I've been eating A LOT of apples lately.
Hey, you know what they say: An apple a day . . . Or two . . . or three . . .
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