Monday, August 29, 2005

Remember a few days when I wrote a blog about my patient who made some racially insensitive comments? Well, he came back in today and had more to share. This time, he called creation "hogwash." He went on to say, "How can they (Christians) fight to teach creation alongside evolution? They've found absolutely nothing to support it, unlike evolution. In fact, the church has been wrong about EVERYTHING. Just look back in history. They were wrong about the Earth being in the center of the universe. How can they be trusted?"
Again, I was shocked and couldn't muster a response. I hate it when I get tongue-tied like that.
After seeing him, I went into our staff room where they were talking about televangelist Pat Robertson's comments about wanting to assassinate the President of Venezuela. His reasoning? It's okay to assassinate anybody who is in line with Satan or following Satan's teachings. He later tried to deny that he wanted him assassinated, but was caught in that lie too. Finally, he had to apologize outright.
With all these anti-Christian sentiments going around, it's hard to be a Christian. But I must re-read yesterday's passage that Pastor Clive spoke on in Ephesians 1:15-23 about receiving power.
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