Monday, July 25, 2005

We recently watched the movie "Hitch." One of Karena's favorite lines from that movie occurs when Will Smith encourages a guy to buy some new shoes. The dialogue goes something like this:
Guy: I'm not sure about these shoes. They're just not "me."
Will Smith: "You" is a very fluid concept right now. "You" bought the shoes. "You" look good in the shoes.

Karena has since made sure to say that whenver we go shopping. This was the case when she bought me not one, but two pink shirts while outlet shopping. One is more orange and has blue lines in it so I wore that one to church this past Sunday. But the other is definitely more pink and that scares me a little bit. I can only take solace in knowing that it only costed about $8 each.
i've always wondered how Bob would look like in a pink dress shirt. He says it may look ok, but I don't think he would dare wear pink. oh well.
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