Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We're exhausted from a fruitful weekend at Youth Camp. More on that in the coming days . . .
But I wanted to share this little surpise I received on Friday:
I got called into my boss office by my boss and the assistant boss. I had let them know that I was interested in a senior position at work (to replace my co-worker who is leaving). Anyway, I hadn't heard anything about that in over 3 weeks and figured they were calling me in about that.
But the news was very different. With stern looks on their faces, they told me that I had received a complaint from a patient that I sexually harassed her while performing a shoulder joint technique. I figured they were joking and blew it off. But they were serious and even brought me into a treatment room to have me demonstrate how I perform these shoulder joint mobilizations. I was freaking out! My mind was racing through names of all my female shoulder patients, but I was so scared, I couldn't even think of one.
After performing a few techniques, they concluded that I was performing them properly. And as they were walking me back to their office, they suddenly stopped to say, "By the way, congratulations on being named one of our new senior therapists!"
It was a cruel joke, but I was happy about the news so I didn't mind at all.
Congrats big guy.
Wow, that's a horrible joke! To be accused of something you know you wouldn't do! But Congratulations Victor, you deserve it :) Is it more or less stressful?
Congrats on the promotion!!

So glad to hear the good news!
Man...that deserves payback, but then I remember Romans where we remember that it is the Lord who will avenge!

Praise God for climbing the ladder!

Great job, Vic! I am proud of you! I just can't imagine getting the news like that though! They must think you are someone that can take a joke well!! Congrats!
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