Friday, March 18, 2005

Here are my quick thoughts on the Congressional hearings that took place on Thursday regarding Major League Baseball and its rampant steroid use:
(1) Mark McGwire looks old. And he got some bad advice from his lawyer. Refusing to answer any questions and only responding with "I don't want to talk about the past" and "I'm retired" has ruined his image. He is no longer the feared slugger of the late '80s and '90s. Instead, he's an old grandfather-looking coward, liar, and cheater. (And this coming from a guy who loves McGwire)
(2) How come Sammy Sosa suddenly forgot how to speak English and required an interpreter at the hearings? Answering every difficult question with "I don't know" is unacceptable.
(3) I have to admit that Jose Canseco still sounded dumb when he read, but he also had some moments of (dare I say) wisdom and clarity. But overall, he's still a big liar in shifting back to saying steroids are no good and he's out to save baseball, not make a quick buck for himself through his book sales.
(4) Curt Schilling is obviously very smart. You can tell by his reading and speaking abilities.
(5) Rafael Palmeiro seemed extremely upset. 'Roid rage, anyone?
(6) It was sad to see former 1998 home run chasers Sosa and McGwire sitting in a much less glamorous setting just 7 short years later. And it pained me to see the two Bash Brothers (McGwire and Canseco) having to sit apart for Canseco's protection. And to see Schilling not on the mound with a bloody sock, but having to defend the players of the sport he loves. The whole situation is sad and makes me sick. We should be talking about spring training, not syringes. But because baseball players cheat, they're in one fine mess.
(7) Do you think Congress will get that kind of media coverage next week when they discuss health care and homelessness or even insurgency in Iraq?
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