Tuesday, January 25, 2005

When most guys hug, they usually do the handshake with the right hand and the half-hug with the left. It's smooth. It shows a certain amount of sentiment and emotion without getting too girly or too gushy. It's the perfect thing for guys to do.
But sometimes that doesn't work out, especially when one guy goes for the handshake & half hug and the other guy goes for a real hug.
That is EXACTLY what happened last week. Karena and I went out with some of my UCLA co-workers -- Mark, Gina and their newborn son Gabriel, and Chris and Gladys. I always hug Gina and Gladys because they're girls. And Mark and I have always done the full hug since I stopped working there and because we rarely see each other now. But when it came to Chris, we always did the handshake and half hug. So I went for it.
But he went for the full hug (probably since everybody else was doing it). That left my right hand jabbing into his stomach and me awkwardly trying to get my hand out and around to give him the full hug. Plus, that caused me to lose my balance and I was basically falling into him. It was pretty embarassing, but we both tried to play it off.
Sometimes, it's just easier to be a girl.

I've done the hand/hug since college but don't like it too much. Sometimes it feels so frat boy! I tend to not hug guys so I opt for the solo hand shake, the solo shoulder pat, or my favorite, the hand shake, followed by a firm shoulder pat. Isn't that what Aragorn and Legolas do? Hobbits hug and jump around like idiots. Hm. Now I'm all confused!
Oh come on, just greet your friend according to how you feel like it. Do we only display our true feelings when someone is moving away or on their death bed? Guys. Or maybe I should say...Asians. :p :)
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