Sunday, December 12, 2004

We had a great time hanging out at Gary and Regina's place. Even though the drive was treacherous, it was good to carpool with Luong and get to talk for a while. The semi-pot-luck set-up led to an over-abundance of food, but I think that's a good thing. We ate like pigs, but I also felt like one afterwards too.
One of the funniest moments was when Gary's friend Matt was playing with his 3 year-old son. His son was jumping all over so Gary said, "Wow, you jump really high!" And I said, "That's because he has his dad's hops (Matt played basketball in high school). And without any hesitation, his son said, "I DO have my dad's hops." I don't think he had any idea what that meant, but it was hilarious. I was banned from talking to him the rest of the night for fear I might teach him more slang (aka Montebello-nese).
Afterwards, I realized that more and more of our parties are featuring kids who need their diapers changed, kids who beg to be played with or carried, or who want to watch Power Rangers, etc. That is the way of the world and that's where we are in life. It's only a matter of time. It's both scary yet soothing.
And after having brunch with my co-workers, their spouses, and their kids, I've had kids on the mind a lot lately (No -- again this is not a sign of things to come). I've decided that I'm fine with letting their watch TV and I'm comfortable with letting the TV act as a temporary distraction or babysitter for a while. But I only want to show them classic movies like "The Wizard of Oz" and "E.T." I watched both movies this past weekend and am amazed at the humor, emotion, and heart they convey. I know this is a sure sign that I'm getting older, but I'm going to say it anyway: they sure don't make 'em like they used to.

Yeah, they don't make movies like "E.T" anymore. Today's kid movies tend to be forced or artificially heartwarming. I admired Spielberg for how he approached "E.T."
hey man. there ain't nuthin' wrong wit teachin' kids to talk montebello-nese.
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