Friday, September 24, 2004

CBS' Dan Rather is in a heap of trouble. Personally, I think it was wise of him to apologize on air so quickly and to put it behind him. Of course, the Republicans are reaping the benefits and will continue to make it a big deal, as they should. This is a political gold mine that just keeps shelling out precious metals.
There is so much pressure on the media to get a cutting-edge story out as quickly as possible while also checking its authenticity. Personally, I don't fault Dan Rather or CBS for going with the story, even if he/they had their own political agenda. I think they blew it and it's come back to bite them. They've suffered enough. Just think, CBS really can't catch a break. First, the Janet Jackson Super Bowl fiasco and now this.
For some reason, when the LA Times came out with the Schwarzeneggar groping women story just before the election, that seemed much more scandalous and politically incorrect (for lack of a better term) than this.
I wouldn't go so far as to say this one is excusable, but I'm willing to overlook it.

Great topic! As usual, Vic, you've got more grace and empathy than I.

For my money, in light of this scandal, Dan has not done anything that would engender any confidence in his news reporting. Any "news" that comes out of his mouth is met with significant doubt.

If interested... Slate's and blogger have some interesting commentary on Dan.
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