Saturday, July 17, 2004

I've been meaning to write earnestly for a while, but just haven't had the time (or the energy).  But finally, I get my chance to write about life, love and the Lakers
1. There is something therapeutic about feeding a fish.  Even though I often view it as another chore, it always makes me feel good to meet his needs, like manna from heaven.
2. I think the world is all Lakered out.  I shared yesterday from my head about how you don't trade a franchise player like Shaq.  Jason is right to say it's like the Piazza trade.  Those two days (May 15, 1997 and July 14, 2004 will resonate with me forever).  But I was surprised to learn that in my heart, I was hurt by the way everything went down.  I felt hurt and disgusted by Kobe's news conference.  He lied repeatedly about wanting to play with Phil and Shaq forever.  All I kept thinking was Liar!  Even though I usually love hearing what Kobe has to say and how he says it, I realized my heart just doesn't feel the same about him.  How can I even trust him now in his rape trial?  But I'll keep on cheering for him because he's a Laker (as is the Marijuana Boy Odom and Bad Knees Grant) because (as outlined in the movie Miracle), the name on the front of the jersey is a hell of a lot more important than the name on the back.
3. Sorry, one more sports one.  I'm so sad to see Derek Fisher go.  Best of luck to you, Fish.  Keep the Fisher Flop alive ... and your positive, Christian perspective in Golden State.
4. Karena says I talk about sports and watch sports too much.  She asked me if Shaq and Kobe really have an effect on my life.  As a result, I'm going to try and cut down on the sports chatter. 
5. I had the opportunity to hang out with two of Karena's old boyfriends (including staying with one of them) and it went beautifully.  It just goes to show that people can break up and still be good friends.
6. Quizno's sucks.  I'm a much bigger fan of Subway because I feel their quality is much better.  Plus, Subway gives better coupons than Quizno's.
7. Vh1's new "I Love the '90s" just isn't as good because I don't get that same nostalgic feeling.  How nostalgic do you expect me to get when they're talking about Harry Potter?  I'll stick with the '70s and '80s.
8. This has nothing to do with my political views one way or the other, but can't we all agree that John Kerry's face looks like a caricature drawing?

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