Thursday, April 22, 2004

Some people don't believe me when I tell them that I'm actually an introvert. Yes, it is true that I'm usually the guy trying to grab all the attention. But at work, I'm very introverted. I usually keep to myself, get the job done, and go home. In fact, as I have previously mentioned, I don't even eat lunch with my co-workers, instead finding a solitary place to eat and read before going to my secret resort (aka my car) for a quick power nap.
Today, we were celebrating the last day of one of our students who was at our clinic for an internship for the past four months. We bought food from this Chinese place and ate together. I have to admit that I almost said no because I had already brought my lunch and was looking forward to a much-needed nap (we didn't get home until after 11pm because of class last night). But I didn't want to be too introverted or appear anti-social, so I went.
As it turned out, I was so hungry and we were so late in starting, that I just gobbled up my overpriced Chinese food (where's Monterey Park when you need it?), and went back to seeing patients.
Next time, maybe I'll just stay introverted in my car.
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