Sunday, March 07, 2004
I was saddened to see the passing of Rev. Fred Cheung last week. Although there were some disagreements and hardships in our church's relationship with him (especially in the last few years), he was still the Senior Pastor during the majority of my formative years. To me, he will always be the man who preached God's Word to me and helped me further develop my relationship with God.
As a kid, I remember thinking he must have attended a lot of church services. I remember he used to always close his eyes and yet still blink while praying or sitting in deep thought. And how he would rarely ever sing the hymns, instead, opting to sit there closing his eyes and blinking again. I used to think that was odd or funny. But I took it more as a lesson of true worship and solitude with God, even in the midst of a crowded Sunday service.
One of the last memories I have of him is speaking in a Friday night Koinonia. He came in jeans and was very down-to-earth. That was shocking for me because to me, he was always the official face of the church and dressed and acted accordingly. He talked about his love for movies, many of them containing gun fights and violence. It was great to see him in that way, for me, because it showed that even great, big, strong Senior Pastors are still human with strengths/weaknesses, joys/sorrows, and are still in need of a Savior.
I was saddened to see the passing of Rev. Fred Cheung last week. Although there were some disagreements and hardships in our church's relationship with him (especially in the last few years), he was still the Senior Pastor during the majority of my formative years. To me, he will always be the man who preached God's Word to me and helped me further develop my relationship with God.
As a kid, I remember thinking he must have attended a lot of church services. I remember he used to always close his eyes and yet still blink while praying or sitting in deep thought. And how he would rarely ever sing the hymns, instead, opting to sit there closing his eyes and blinking again. I used to think that was odd or funny. But I took it more as a lesson of true worship and solitude with God, even in the midst of a crowded Sunday service.
One of the last memories I have of him is speaking in a Friday night Koinonia. He came in jeans and was very down-to-earth. That was shocking for me because to me, he was always the official face of the church and dressed and acted accordingly. He talked about his love for movies, many of them containing gun fights and violence. It was great to see him in that way, for me, because it showed that even great, big, strong Senior Pastors are still human with strengths/weaknesses, joys/sorrows, and are still in need of a Savior.
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