Saturday, October 11, 2003

Every once in a while, some random thoughts pop into my head and I mull them over and over. Here are the two most recent ones:
1. This world values potential. So much so, that sometimes it's valued more than talent. For example, you don't have to be into basketball to know who LeBron James is. At 18, he is already the biggest NBA attraction without even playing one official game yet. Plus, he's already signed a $90 million dollar deal with Nike. Why? Pure potential. What if he turns out to be a total bust or just a "pretty good" player. That's very possible. And yet he's more valued for his potential than some of the NBA's current superstars. Young stars get all the attention. Kids love to play with new toys. People mourn harder and deeper over the loss of a young child. I think to a certain extent, potential is behind all of those.
2. Why do you work? Is it strictly for the paycheck or do you find satisfaction in your work? I hope none of my bosses or co-workers are reading this, but I have to admit that I work for the paycheck. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do and I really enjoy the personal aspect of my job. But at the end of the week when my paycheck comes, I immediately think about how this money will go directly towards our mortgage, bills, and personal expenses. That's probably why I'm only moderately interested in going for more certifications that would put more letters after my name. I'd like to get them, but I'm not kicking myself because I don't have them. As long as I can get my patients better, I don't care if I have DPT, OCS, CSCS, etc after my name or not.
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