Thursday, August 28, 2003

While driving to work this morning, I saw Mike driving and I immediately got excited. I was right behind him so I tried to honk at him and flashing my headlights to get his attention. But he didn't look. So finally, I tried to work my way into the next lane and catch up to him so I could wave him down. He still didn't look. Finally, I had to roll down my window and thrust my hand out toward his car repeatedly until he looked over. We talked for about 3 seconds before we went our separate ways.
I don't know what it is about seeing people while they're driving, but if you're anything like me, it is one of the most exciting things. I HAVE to catch up to them and say hello. And if they don't see me the first time, I keep at it, trying to maneuver my car closer or to the side of them or in front of them -- whatever it takes until they see me. Nowadays, it's much easier since I can just pick up my cell phone and call them and tell them to look two cars to the left. But to me, that's cheating.
I am still a big fan of the chase ... the chase of getting their attention, that is.
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