Tuesday, August 05, 2003

There was an article in last weekend's LA Times Magazine about living close to the freeway. There were opposing viewpoints and some very poignant images of people living their lives literally a few feet from speeding cars.
I had the privilege of living that close to the freeway when I was living in West LA. My kitchen window looked out onto the 10 freeway. I enjoyed the experience, even though it was extremely noisy whenever I opened that window (As a result, I rarely did). But it was nice to be so close to the on-ramp and it was somehow cool to be able to watch accident, the way people drive, and to see the traffic all from the comforts of home. In some ways, it was better than reality TV!
And after we got married, we lived relatively close to the freeway, but not that close. Still, we enjoyed getting onto the freeway so quickly in the morning. That gave us an extra minute or two of sleep every morning (and you all know how an extra minute is CRITICAL in the morningtime!).
Now, we live a little bit further from the freeway and we no longer have those few precious minutes.
It just goes to show that living by the freeway is not such a bad thing.
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