Saturday, June 14, 2003

I remember how freaked out I used to get in high school whenever there was a chemistry exam coming up. Why? Because I always knew that another exam would mean my grade would drop lower and lower into the depths of mediocrity (aka "C").
But one day, I decided to trust in the power of positive thinking. I tried to change my perspective on the test. I started thinking that these exams were opportunities to not bring me down, but to actually pull my grade up! What a great idea! After that, I did moderately better (C+), but I still appreciated my new outlook on tests.
And I think this is a great life lesson as well. I'm the type of guy who always cracks under pressure and is afraid of leading or taking a stand because of fear of failure. But why should events like this bring me down. Instead, they are opportunities I must seize to bring me up higher!
Ephesians 5:15-16: Be very careful, the , how you live -- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. This passage, which we read last night in Koinonia, got me thinking about how I should also live my life righteously and according to God's will.
So many opportunities to seize, so little time.
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