Sunday, January 12, 2003

My cousin Jonathan and I went to see an early afternoon showing of "The Two Towers" yesterday and I have to say I enjoyed it as much as the first. But maybe what I enjoyed even better was not the movie itself, but being able to sit comfortably. Since I knew it was going to be a three hour movie (and probably pushing three and a half with all the commercials and previews they make you watch now), I came prepared. I dressed warmly with a very comfortable sweatshirt and some break-away pants with some shorts underneath, just in case it got warm. And because the theater was pretty empty, we got to put our feet up on the seats, lie down along four seats by putting the armrests up, sit up tall or slouch, etc. It was a very enjoyable movie experience.
Also, of note was the commerical for the "Back to the Future" DVDs where they show the DeLorean for the first time in the mall's parking lot. That mall is actually the Puente Hills mall (where we went to watch the movie). It's pretty interesting to see the mall you're at on the big screen. Okay, I know, that's dumb, but I thought it was cool ... maybe because I love Back to the Future so much.
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