Sunday, December 29, 2002

It's always nice to see two of your good friends getting married. It's even more special when you get the opportunity to help usher and do some of the "dirty work." I usually end up doing some joking complaining, but the truth is that I always find it an honor to be able to celebrate with the happy couple in this capacity. One thing we ushers had to do yesterday was quickly pick up all the rose pedals off the floor. I felt like those little animated cartoon guys who come out on "TV's Bloopers and Practical Jokes" who sweep and clean up.
The banquet was like a CEFC reunion -- with the return of so many people including Beth and Maurice, Nikki Tram, Greg Go, Amy Lo, Dick and Carolyn, Danny and Sue, Allison Watanabe, etc. And it was weird that I didn't end up dancing, but spent the evening catching up with different people. I have to admit that I definitely feel more comfortable dancing at these things, but it was good to be able to have some deep conversations with people in the midst of all the bass-blaring music.
In the end, Karena and I took a picture with Richard and Danette and I have to say, there was not a happier, more beautiful couple in the room!
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