Monday, September 02, 2002

With practically the entire church gone to Summer Conference at UCSD for Labor Day weekend, only a few of us were left to hold Sunday service. The original plan was for Janet Hall to lead music worship, for me to be the worship leader (guy who prays, says welcome, etc.) and for me to help serve communion with other EMC members. I showed up at church at 9:00 decked out in my best suit ready to set up the elements and to prepare for doing all those things. But that all changed when Janet suddenly became unavailable.
My brother had to rush to church to bring my guitar and music (he came at 9:55) and I quickly threw together a few songs and went at it. But as I turned the overhead projector on to quickly check my transparencies at 10:15, the bulb went out so I had to run all around the church to find another one (many overheads also went down to UCSD). Anyway, so I ran around, got the overhead, went back to the sanctuary and started leading worship. It was going okay (except some said I didn't sing loudly enough) until I started getting hot and sweaty sitting under those bright lights and in front of eveybody. And I do stress the word sweaty! Sweat was pouring down my face like Shaq after an intense game. It was dripping on my guitar, dripping all over my just-dry cleaned suit, all over the floor. And having sweat go into your eye only makes reading chords harder to do! Luckily, Rhonda joined me up there to help hold the melody.
I really do thank God that everything turned out okay for the most part. But needless to say, I'll be glad when everyone comes back and I can go back to having the worship team lead God's people.
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