Friday, September 27, 2002

I don't know why it's taken me this long to really realize this, but I've decided that life is tough. In fact, it's very tough. There are always going to be times of disappointment, fear, heart-break, exhaustion, etc.
So, what keep us all from going over the edge? For me, I think it's a few things: My strong faith in God and His master plan, my relationship with my family and friends, and my commitment to myself to do something great with my life.
We only get this one trip through life so I'm trying to pack each day and not waste it. I'm trying to get it right. And I don't want to let all the negatives drag me down. For example, I came in contact with a teenager who jumped off a 3-story balcony after his girlfriend broke up with him. He fractured his pelvis and elbow and can't walk for 6-8 weeks now. Plus, the doctor says he will never have a normal functioning elbow ever again.
Yes, there will be times in our lives where things are difficult. But, we need to keep the right perspective -- His perspective. We can't and shouldn't lose hope. We just need to continue to press on and fight the good fight.
Now that's a life worth living for.
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