Saturday, June 01, 2002

Friday turned out to be a crazy day. Here are some highlights:
1. First thing in the morning, one of the guys we just hired two weeks ago walks into my boss' office and says he is resigning his position because he got a new job elsewhere. My boss, who can be emotional at times, was so unhappy, she yelled, "Fine. Just leave now. Clean out your locker, leave your keys and badge on the desk, and go." We all happened to be standing by the front desk of our department and heard the whole thing and had to watch him leave with all of us too stunned to even say one word.
2. While treating patients, I had to use a finger instrument to test my patient's oxygen saturation. You put this little thing on the patient's fingertips and it tells you his numbers. "Give me a finger," I said. Without hesitation, his roomate pipes up and says, "Hey buddy. I'll give you a finger!" and promptly flips me off.
3.Later in the day, I was co-treating with the occupational therapist, who also happened to go the same high school as me (Schurr). Out of nowhere, my patient asks, "Where did you both go to high school?" We thought that was a funny question since we both went to Schurr. But then, she reveals that she went to Lower Merrian High School. I jump up in amazement and wonder. The OT asks, "Victor, do you know someone from that high school?" "Yeah," I replied. "Kobe Bryant." Of course, this patient is probably three times Kobe's age, but it was still cool. Actually, when she was attending Lower Merrian, Wilt Chamberlain was the basketball monster at the rival high school and dropped 100 points on them. According to her, the final score was something like 120-20.
4. And, of course, the evening was made a million times better as my boys won 106-102 to force a Game 7. It was fun sitting in Koinonia and getting frequent updates from Reuel, who was getting them sent to him by Luong. And I brought in my little Watchman TV to catch some of the action during the breaks in the night.
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