Thursday, June 13, 2002

I don't quite know what it is, but I'm feeling more and more dumb as I get older. Maybe it's old age setting in. Or maybe I just wasn't so bright to begin with. Whatever the case may be, I just think my memory is not as sharp and I'm not as quick to learn things as I once was.
So what am I going to do about it?
Well, I remember hearing a study that showed that listening to classical music could stimulate the mind and actually make you smarter. With that in mind, the families of many of my patients bring in headphones to have their comatose loved ones listen to classical music 24/7. So far, I don't think it's helped very many of my patients. But that hasn't stopped me from trying it myself. I've been trying to spend more time listening to the classical radio station here in LA and I've been listening to my new birthday gift from Jason - the score to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. I really love the End Title Theme when Luke, Han, and Chewie walk into the huge room and get their medals from Princess Leia. But I've realized that composer John Williams is a true genius now that I've been listening to the whole score. It's awesome!
And hopefully, it'll leave me a little smarter.
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