Monday, May 20, 2002

Still not fully recovered from the Vegas road-trip, I went to work again feeling a little sleepy. But so far, I haven't suffered any ill effects from it ... until today. I had a patient who was a very big guy (about my height, but probably about 60 pounds heavier than me) who had brain surgery and is still slightly confused. So after helping him get up into a chair, I left him there with his wife. But what I didn't know is that he needed to have both his hands restrained because he isn't fully aware of what he's doing yet. Well, he proceeded to pull out his feeding tube (which is a real pain to put in and even a bigger pain to replace once it's been pulled out). And to make matters worse, he also went "No. 2" all over the chair. The nurse was obviously very upset at me so I had to help her get him back to bed. I almost got slimed with the "No. 2" but managed to make it out of there unscathed. But it was nasty and I felt horrible afterward, even though I really don't think it was my fault. Well, good thing this bad streak only lasted for that hour because the afternoon went much smoother.
But I think the moral of the story is I have to go to bed early tonight.
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