Tuesday, April 02, 2002

Coming home for a few weeks from Hong Kong, my uncle brought with him a bunch of movies so the list of movie reviews will be a bit longer today.
Transformers: The Movie: A-. I was so glad Luong let me borrow this because I hadn't seen this movie since I was in the 5th grade. Yes, it still is sad to see Optimus Prime die, but man was it still a good movie! Maybe the cheasy '80s rock music had something to do with it too!
There's Something About Mary: B+. It had its raunchy points which I didn't like, but there's something about Ben Stiller doing that "I'm a normal guy who just has all kinds of bad stuff happen to me" routine that keeps people laughing. Definitely check out the outtakes on the DVD. Funny!
Glory: A+. The first A+ I have given since I started doing movie reviews. Wow! Matthew Broderick may have been an interesting choice of casting, but he does an above average job. And Denzel and Morgan Freeman do an outstanding job of acting. And the story is very encouraging and gives a good glimpse about the triumphs and horrors of the Civil War. This is a must-see.
A Beautiful Mind: A-. It dragged in a few places, but I really think Ron Howard was deserving of the Best Director Oscar because of the way you see the schizophrenia play out. And Russel Crowe, although I'm not a big fan of him when he's off-camera (he was a little too weird about making sure that poem was heard by all), is an amazing actor.
Insomnia: B. Jason let me borrow this DVD about a cop who is driven down a downward spiral because of guilt. It stars the other professor from Good Will Hunting and Jas tells me an American version is in the works. This movie is creepy and suspenseful, but maybe just a little too creepy for my taste.
Behind Enemy Lines: A-. I really liked this movie even though Owen Wilson is NOT believeable as an action hero. But Gene Hackman always does a good job at these sorts of movies and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Bandits: B. For me, this movie didn't get good until the end. It definitely had its funny moments, but overall, I thought it dragged, but I was impressed with the creativity of the movie.
(More movies to come next time!)
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