Thursday, April 11, 2002

While driving home from my apartment last night, I suddenly caught eye of a car with square headlights in my rear view mirror. Now, usually that means "COP!" But after watching him for a few minutes longer, I concluded that it wasn't a Highway Patrol and I just kept going about my merry way (read: I was driving a little bit fast). Suddenly, the lights came on and boom, I was busted! But luckily, I got off with just a warning since everyone else was going pretty fast too.
But I was wrong to think the drama for the evening was over because as soon as I got into Montebello, I realized that the entire city was blacked out. There were no street lights, no traffic lights, no electricity whatsoever. The Montebello police were stationed at every intersection lighting flares to provide at least some light to combat the dense fog that had already began rolling in. And since my garage door opener obviously didn't work, I had to practically break into my own house ... all without waking my parents and not letting them think I was some thief. It was NOT easy! But I was proud of myself for being clever enough to use what little light my cell phone could generate to light my way. I also took my contact lenses off in the dark too (no easy task!). And as I crawled into bed, I suddenly realized that I was now wide awake in response to all that had just gone on. So, I thought I'd sit up and do some reading or watch TV. Nope, can't do either one of those. I suddenly felt like Laura Ingals from Little House on the Prarie, who had to basically sleep when it got dark and wake up when the sun came out again. What a horrible life! I will never take electricity for granted again.
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