Friday, April 05, 2002

Two of my brother's friends arrived late Wednesday night and are staying in the two rooms upstairs where the pool table is. I'm fine with that except that means they end up using the bathroom I use. And there's one thing I've become more particular about as I've grown older and that's sharing a bathroom with guests. I figure they probably want a bathroom they can call their own and so do I. So because they'll be here until Saturday, I've decided to use the downstairs bathroom until then so I can have it all to myself. (I know I'm weird). Besides, I have the exact same contact lense case as one of them and already took the wrong one by mistake this morning, leaving two very blind people to try to figure it all out. Having me move all my stuff downstairs just gets rid of all the confusion.
My mom and I took the two of them out to lunch today to have hot soy bean milk with the chinese doughnut. You know what I'm talking about right? Anyway, we went to some place inside the Shao May's complex on Garfield and Garvey. While I was walking to the restaurant, I kid probably about 12 years old in his old school '80s too short shorts and rice-bowl hair cut comes up to me and says, "Excuse me. Can you buy me a cigarette?" I look at him with a really disapproving face and harshly say, "No!" before walking away. Then, I really started to get worked out and wanted to turn around to say, "You should be ashamed of yourself. Those things will kill you and the people around you!" ... but I didn't. I was too chicken. Sometimes, this world just makes me feel so sad.

On a much, much lighter note, happy birthday to Jason!
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