Monday, April 22, 2002

Since Jason and Luong have both written recent entries about the bathroom, I felt the need to contribute too.
One of my best (well, actually worst) memories about the bathroom was having to use a port-a-potty while I was at the Barnum and Bailey circus. There was a very long line and I had to go so badly that I was jumping up and down and twisting my legs to and fro. And I was so excited when it was finally my turn to go in that I almost peed in my pants ... literally. But as I ten year old, I found it really difficult to climb up the two steps it took to get to the raised port-a-potty. Now, I have no idea why they made you climb those stairs to get to them, but they did. Anyway, I had such a hard time going up that without thinking, I put my hand down on the step to help hoist myself up ... only to realize afterward that I put my hand in a big puddle of pee (and who knows what else!). It was so gross, but I didn't care because I had to go so badly.
My second story happened just last night. And it's not so much a story as it is a scientific fact. I had asparagus for dinner last night. And if you don't know, asparagus makes your pee smell really, really bad. But I kind of like it because of how cool it is. Even though I know that it does this, I still end up forgetting that I had eaten it earlier in the evening. Only a few hours later as I am going into the bathroom do I think, "Hey, what's that smell? Oh yeah, I had asparagus!" It gets me every time.
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