Wednesday, March 27, 2002

How's this for being prideful? I'm really impressed with myself for coming up with that Five Questions game we usually play at small group outings. It really provides an opportunity for deeper thinking and for deeper relationship into someone's life by uncovering their struggles, expectations, etc. And it's only fair that I subject myself to this same torture so I'm more than willing to put myself in the hot seat. For time and space's sake, here are THREE questions I have asked myself that I will now answer:
1. What things scare you?
I have this really irrational fear of knives and other sharp objects (especially the sharp edges on the Saran wrap and aluminum foil boxes). I go crazy when a knife gets out of control when I'm washig them or when my hand gets even remotely close to the Saran wrap box (I've cut my hands on both in the past). And if you really want a laugh, watch me try to slice vegetables. Pathetic! Oh, and like Luong Baby, I'm really, really, really afraid of spiders. Can't stand those suckers, but I try not to kill them because I know they're mostly good.
2. Name some things you're passionate about.
As I have mentioned before, I'm most passionate about my sense of duty. If I'm supposed to be somewhere, I'll do whatever I can to be there. Like Keanu says in the movie "Hardball:" "I'm amazed by your ability to show up." A cheesy line, I know, but so appropriate for me. I'm passionate about increasing my faith and about gaining both useful and useless information. (I think I get that from my dad, who always has to show off just how much he knows - and he knows A LOT!!!) Let's just say that if they ever made a father and son Jeopardy, we'd walk away millionaires.
3. Name someone you admire at church and explain why.
One of the people I admire most at CEFC is Janet Hall for many reasons. First, she is a very devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Her faith is strong and unwavering, even during the most trying times. She is a loving wife to Dewey and extremely supportive. She is a great mother to Lauren and Austin, often making large sacrifices for their benefit without complaint. She is also very encouraging to those around her and is quick to lift others up in prayer. Plus, she is extremely talented in the area of music. My favorite thing is to watch her play the organ during offering. She always is able to adapt the song to make it end just perfectly as the pastor steps up to the pulpit to speak. Perfect timing every time!
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