Thursday, February 21, 2002

With the management talking about firing two full-time employees and my boss constantly telling us to do more in less time, it's no wonder that morale is low at work these days. So, we have to do what we can do bring it up ourselves. For me and my co-worker Mark, it sometimes means sitting on stools and shooting hoops at our indoor children's size basketbal hoop inside our department. It's really there for our pediatric patients so they can practice their balance and hand-eye coordination, and all that. But for us, it's a definite morale booster.
The idea actually came from those wheelchair basketball games. But since the wheelchairs are too hard to maneuver in our small department, we use the rolling stools instead.
Today, we played a little one-on-one and let me just say that the competition got very intese. Mark hurt his index finger and I sweat so much, you could see some sweat marks starting to form on my shirt. But after three dunks (two by me and one by Mark) and a few amazing jump shots, I came out on top today 15-14.
Consider our morale lifted.
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